Problems, challenges and dependencies

The main question at the start of my internship at Greenhouse Group, was to create an installation, based on a chatbot, which shows on the outside what happens on the inside. Greenhouse Group got the opportunity to perform on Glow in November 2018. To accomplish this, we needed to form a multidisciplinary team, which has the task to build the Glowie installation. This turned out to be complicated because of the new and challenging aspects of this project, because there were a lot of dependencies within the team. Every category needed to be adjust to eachother. The dependency on the designs were the technical team members and Stakeholder X. The decisions I made had to match with their knowledge and decisions. The challenge for the whole team was to create a reliable installation in just 10 weeks. The first weeks were needed to get a good understanding of the company and the subject matter.

Dependencies were for the Glow assignment;

  • An anonymous stakeholder, called ‘Stakeholder X’ in this portfolio, involved with the designs
  • Stakeholder Sahara
  • Greenhouse Group
  • Delivery time of ordered hardware
  • The team

The main question was:

What is needed for the audio/visual design for the crowd, so they will be attracted to it and getting amazed?

Because of this, our artistic freedom was somewhat restricted as part of our process. At one moment, every design needed to be revised because of Stakeholder X’s direct instructions. New designs were made based on their wishes, instead on the research I’ve done about how certain emotions are expressed. The results were shown during the Glow festival. Another dependency was the delivery time of multiple orders, like the TV-screens. This took such a long time, that the screens and mounts were delivered only one day before the Dutch Design Week began. This caused a serious delay in testing the visuals and the development of the design of the installation.

During Glow, the Chinese delegation came to visit the Glow festival. My task was to make it possible to ship the installation to the light festival in Nanjing in China. To accomplish that, I have hosted the Chinese delegation and convinced them to let Glowie perform at their light festival.

The dependencies to let the Glow project perform in China, were;

  • Chinese delegation
  • Glow
  • Greenhouse Group
  • Fully functional installation

The main question was:

What changes does the Glow-project need to perform during the Lunar New Year in Nanjing China in 2019?

Goals and context

The goal of the Glow assignment was to perform successfully on Glow in November 2018. This would mean that most of the visitors of Glow would speak positively about it. Based on that, I formed sub-goals for the entire development of the Glowie project;

  1. User of Glowie the chatbot: The goal of this part is giving the user of Glowie an amazing experience, by interacting with new technology during the conversation with the chatbot.
  2. The second goal of the user of Glowie is that he can express his feeling or emotion to the chatbot, which enriches his experience.
  3. 3. The crowd of Glow: The goal of the visitor of Glowie, who isn’t able to see what’s happening on the inside of Glowie, is to amaze them by showing visuals on the outside of the screens, which represents what happens with a conversation with the chatbot on the inside.
  4. The last goal is to let Glowie perform on the light festival in Nanjing China in 2019.

Turning goals into results

To give a quick overview of how these goals have been accomplished, a short explanation is given;

  1. Giving an amazing experience: This goal has been accomplished, because roughly 70% came out with a smile on their face. This is measured by all team-members who actively guided these users. The greatest part was the karaoke feature during the talk with Glowie.
  2. The second goal about expressing a feeling to a chatbot has been accomplished. During Glow, the conversation felt more natural than during the Dutch Design Week. The sound which was played on the outside, was also audible from inside the booth, which enriches the user's experience.
  3. The goal about making clear to the audience of what happens, was only partly accomplished. It was clear for the crowd that a visual represented happy, sad or angry because of its sound-design, but the purpose of these designs wasn’t clear to them.
  4. Letting Glowie perform during the light festival in China in 2019 wasn't going to happen, however the goal has been accomplished anyway, because the Chinese delegation requested Glowie to perform on their festival. However, the goal can still be considered a success.


In the beginning I started with the team with several SCQA workshops to get familiar with the company and project. With the team I worked with Scrum with sprints of one week. This gave the whole team a deadline every week to make quick progress. Every morning we held a daily stand-up. Every Monday, we got sprint-meetings, where we showed our progress and could discuss what the extern members did do. I have adjusted my schedule several times. This assignment was of a typical unstructured type. Because of dependencies of stakeholders from the whole team -whom I depended on- we needed more time to accomplish a sprint goal. To give an example, I needed more time to sketch the practical appearance of the installation, because the team was not able to see the LED tiles in time. After a while, the whole team decided to use Tv screens, which meant I needed to change the sketches for the installation. The practical outcome was also based on the UX of the crowd of Glow. A typical question on this point was “at what angle do they point their view and what shape does the installation need to be to support that”. Another question was “what size do the Tv screens need to be, so the crowd can easily see what’s on it (so it’s not too small)”.

The result of the installation Glowie is written down in this small Advisory report. Within this report, essential parts are included about what choices are made and to get an overview of all products are owned, I've included the inventory report that I managed.

To prove the other competences, I’m developing an experimental project, called Meeting rooms. It visualizes available meeting rooms on a floor map, so the employees know immediately which room is available or occupied. The outcome will be in a form of a proof-of-concept or prototype.

To manage the short periods of time, I made a personal planner until the Glow-event and a second planner for during the Meeting rooms project. The first personal planner was in line with the scrum iterations of the team, but it gave me a better overview of my tasks and sprint-goals.

Project Glowie

What is needed for the audio/visual design for the crowd, so they will be attracted to it and getting amazed.

What visuals are needed to express the emotion of the user of the chatbot?

The goal was to show on the screens on the outside of the installation what the emotion was of the user of the chatbot at the inside of the installation.

What UX choices are needed that the visitor of Glowie knows immediately what he can expect?

The goal was to let the visitor understand how he can enter the installation and how it works to interact with the chatbot. Another part is that the installation has to look smooth in its design, so the user of the chatbot and the visitor which sees the overall of the installation, couldn’t see the equipment.

What is the best outcome of the design of Glowie, so that the user of Glowie will understand what happens?

“What is the best outcome of sound- and motion-design so that the average of the visitors of Glow will like the project?” This was the original sub question. It has been changed because of the influences of Stakeholder X, where the senior-designer took over this task.

The goal was to make the user of the chatbot understand what’s happening during a chat, by making a design based on a good User Experience.

Glowie goes to China?

What changes does the Glow-project need to perform during the Lunar New Year in Nanjing China in 2019?

What are the cultural differences in the aspect of light art between China and The Netherlands?

What is the difference in (design of, color) emotions between China and The Netherlands?

Project Meeting rooms

To replace the second main-question of the project Glowie, I set up an independent project where the goal is to visualize available and occupied meetingrooms in a floormap, so the employees know immediately where the available room is. To set a goal for this project, I wrote a short Plan of approach. This project will be developed in a short time of 4 to 5 weeks. The goal is to create a fun object.

How can I surprise people by making a nice addition to the internal space of Greenhouse Group?

What is needed for employees to see in an easy way what meeting rooms are available?

What is the way of connecting the meeting room setup with the outlook-calendar of the meeting rooms?

What the best possible solution within this context in a visual way?

Because this project is still in development after the final date of the portfolio, the results so far will be shown in this portfolio and the result will be presented at the final presentation.


Together with the whole team, we all worked to a goal; a working chatbot in an installation which connects emotions with the motion-designs and its users. The users are; people who are talking to the chatbot, and visitors who see the visuals at the installation on the outside. To accomplish this, equipment was needed;

A microphone, where the user can talk into

Soundboxes for the voice of Glowie

Sound boxes for the soundscapes on the outside

A lightbulb to identify Glowie

LED strips to give feedback to the user while talking to the chatbot

A pressure plate, which recognizes that the user is ready to talk

A laser sensor, which gives feedback to the system if a user is inside the booth

A specially measured theater cloth to cover all the equipment and Truss-system and mutes the echo of surrounding sound

A specially measured floormat which mutes the echo of surrounding sound

9 TV screens, which shows visuals, with a maximum resolution of 4K

Visuals, which is connected to the system of the chatbot, showing live the visual of the user’s emotion

A gaming PC (Meta computer) with 3 special and powerful graphics card

To get visuals which represents emotions, research was needed. The wheel of emotions was a fundamental base for using colors to represent emotions. The shapes are researched, but there are more possibilities to create visuals representing emotions for a next iteration.



At the start of the internship I’ve set up a project document with assignment-based head- and sub questions. I approached these questions, aimed on a new and experimental implementation. I focused on the UX-design of the whole installation. Because this was an experimental based assignment, I putted my focus on the UX design of the installation. Because this subject had such experimental character, I noticed less on the pre-set head and sub questions, but with these questions in my mind, I worked with the DOT-framework technique. The next time I would bring the research questions to the front, so I can reflect better on these. This provides better insight of the steps I need to make as a media designer. This improvement would make that colleagues and myself see clearer what the steps are I made.


During the development of Glowie, I wrote clearly my tasks on post-its during scrum-sessions. With every daily stand-up I gave the team an update of the tasks I’ve done for the project. At these stand-ups I was the only designer within this multi-disciplinary team. Being the only designer in this team, I often felt mis-understanding for my type of field as a designer. The communication between me and the technical boys wasn’t great because of that. Because of the loss of my mother earlier this year, I couldn’t give extra strength onto this, so the problems could stay small and between limits. Despites disrespectful jokes, I stayed calm and tried to make the best out of it. However, I learned a lot despite of that it was a heavy period for me. It was better if I told my story in the beginning of the collaboration, so co-workers could take note with it. I thought I handled right, by keeping personal stuff separate, but in the end, it turned out it was better to express this. The next time I pass through a heavy circumstance, I will talk about it, so I will come to different insights and can act to that. This ensures that my way of communication will stay open, what is necessary in a good way of collaboration.

The communication with Jo-An, my supervisor, was very clear and mainly went by mail. I made a few appointments as well for receiving of feedback about my progress and my portfolio. The communication with Bas was clear, especially when I revealed what happened in my life in 2018.

The communication between me and the Glow organization was very clear, and it was a very pleasant collaboration. With the Glow organization, I may receive and host the Chinese delegation. This went very well. Besides that, I gave the Chinese delegation a VIP-tour and I was the contact person to them whereby I by showing Glowie actively, I convinced them to let Glowie perform in China.

Learning ability

At the end of my study ICT & Media Design, I’m able to say that my experience and skills are grown in the past 4 years. I’ve grown in this wide field, where User Experience is always the central point. I’m capable of making websites, set up a media campaign, carry out diverse design assignments and I’m even able to program an Arduino, which I work on in the last couple of weeks of my graduation internship and I learned to program in the language C for Arduino. During my study I may have performed on Glow 2 times, where I’m very proud of, because the specific field of light art is a field where my passion is, and I want to grow even more in that field.