Project Meetingrooms

To replace the second main-question of the project Glowie, I set up an independent project where the goal is to visualize available and occupied meetingrooms in a floormap, so the employees know immediately where the available room is. To set a goal for this project, I wrote a short Plan of approach. This project will be developed in a short time of 4 to 5 weeks. The goal is to create a fun object.

Main question: "How can I surprise people by making a nice addition to the internal space of Greenhouse Group?"

Sub question 1: "What is needed for employees to see in an easy way what meeting rooms are available?"

Library strategy: SCQA Analysis Meeting rooms

For this assignment, a little version of the SCQA steps were needed, so it was mapped out what the pains and gains were about the meeting rooms within the company. This time there isn’t a questionnaire necessary, because of a personal observation during this semester.

Main question: "How can I surprise people by making a nice addition to the internal space of Greenhouse Group?"

Sub question 2: "What is the way of connecting the meeting room setup with the outlook-calendar of the meeting rooms?"

Library strategy: Tool research

Because RGB LEDs were used, which needed specific voltages for each color component, a specific programming language was needed. With the JavaScript library Johnny-five, it wasn’t possible to control these voltages.

Main question: "How can I surprise people by making a nice addition to the internal space of Greenhouse Group?"

Sub question 3: "What the best possible solution within this context in a visual way?"

Because this project is still in development after the final date of the portfolio, the results so far will be shown in this portfolio and the result will be presented at the final presentation.