Glowie goes to China?

Main question: "What changes does the Glow-project need to perform during the Lunar New Year in Nanjing China in 2019?"

This was the second main question, starting at the Glow event. I’ve visited several meetings with Chinese artists and the Chinese delegation. At the evening before the Glow event, I’ve hosted the Chinese delegation during the VIP-event of Glow. The next day, at a time that was specially planned by Glow, I was able to show Glowie just for the Chinese delegation in the afternoon, before Glow was officially open. At that time, Glowie didn’t function well, so this was quite disappointing for me and to the delegation. During this evening I brought up the idea of applicate Glowie in China during a light festival. The next day, during the Glow-lunch they came back to me and requested more information about Glowie. I showed photos I made and explained what happens during a talk with the chatbot. They gave me information about the light festival in Nanjing, which is written in Chinese, so I was able to study their festival. At the Monday of the Glow event, suddenly the highest person of the Chinese delegation came by to visit Glowie. At this time, the chatbot was broken again, so I wasn’t able again to show a working product. From that moment my work was done concerning the Chinese delegation. A month went by until we got the news that the Chinese delegation requested Glowie to their festival. Unfortunately, this isn’t going to happen right now, because it’s too short a time to ship it to China. Another reason is that the installation is at prototype 1.0 and it needs improvements to make it more reliable and get a better design. It could perform at Glow again in 2019.

This above, explains why this second main question isn’t be answered fully, but it could be answered partly, because of research I’ve done through field-research.

Sub question 1: "What are the cultural differences in the aspect of light art between China and The Netherlands?"

Main question: "What changes does the Glow-project need to perform during the Lunar New Year in Nanjing China in 2019?"

Sub question 2: "What is the difference in (design of, color) emotions between China and The Netherlands?"

Library strategy: Color visualization

When I made a start to this sub-question, I did do some research and found this visual about the use of colors in China. Further research wasn’t done, because the installation isn’t going to be shipped to China.